The Price Family. There’s just something amazing about a session where it feels like I’m hanging out with friends instead of working.
It’s been 2 years since our last session but we picked up right where we left off. The only change was how big Colton and Hadley have got! They are a model family and what I mean by this is that their outfits were perfection, the children smiley and well behaved and the parents? They have been together since sophomore year in high-school but they still act like teenagers in love & its the best thing ever. Nicole is a fellow photographer which is such an compliment that she trusts me with her family photographs. The night before the session we found out the location we were going to use wasn’t available anymore but i’m so happy with where we ended up. It’s one of my favorite hidden gems from this area & is going to be the location for my Fall Mini sessions. Although, I will be making the trails easier to navigate before that happens. It was quite the adventure getting down to the creek 😉
I hope you enjoy this preview of a few of my favorites from the Price family session!
Beautiful photos!